How to Not be Intimidated by Social Media
Is the thought of Social Media Marketing a little scary for you?
Do you feel like you need to know all the rules before you get started? Are you worried that nobody will care about what you post and so you stay stuck and don’t post anything? Or are you just not even sure where to start or what to begin posting.
Listen I understand this feeling. Putting yourself out there isn’t easy. But at the end of the day, posting on social media is not really about you.
That may seem like a ridiculous statement. I mean you’re probably thinking, of course, this is totally about me this is my social media account this is me putting myself out there and exposing myself to the online world where everybody can see.
And that’s the part that scares a lot of people, the thought of that total exposure.
But let’s reframe that thought. Think of social media more of just cracking open a window. And you get to choose what window you open an how far you open it. So you’re probably wondering what you should begin to open up about.
Start with the things that you’re excited about. Communicate the ideas that you are passionate about. Talk about the thing that when someone asks you a question about it you just can’t stop talking. That’s what to start posting. Those are the ideas to be spreading on social media. So you see how it doesn’t have anything to do with you. It has to do with the information, ideas, and excitement that you have to share with the world. So what are you waiting for? Start taking notes about those things that light you up and create some posts around those thoughts and ideas. I bet you anything the people that you were meant to connect with will sense your excitement and be interested in those ideas too!
Happy posting and connecting!
P.S. This is the kind of thing I get excited about so it was super easy to write this blog post. I’d love to help you get started, since helping other share their magic with the world is what I’m passionate about!